Tuesday, June 10, 2008

week#5 post

Men in Asia, Middle East and some other countries are still considerd the breadwinners and the heads of the family.Women usually stay home have a luxurios life of taking care of themselves,going to the spas and beauty parlours in order to look nice and fresh when the husbands come home, they recieve them with a fresh,healthy and good looking smile. They have the nannies for the children, cooks and servants to do the other jobs, so these ladies do not mind that they are not treated equally.This does not mean that there husbands ill-treat them, as a matter of fact they are much more relaxed as a family. Actually men have more responsibilities than women in these countries and that is why they are treated as kings. As mentioned in Wood's pg.104" Men's rights groups want men to regain their rightful places as heads of families and unquestioned authorities. At the same time,they think their superiorty to women should not be tied to the breadwinner role as a particular facet of traditional manhood".

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week # 3

I have read an article about gender equality in Southern Africa.The article is from AllAfrica.com, it is titled "Southern Africa: SADC Leaders Urged to Sign Into Gender Protocol" and it is written by Thato Chwaane on May 26,2008.
They are trying to get the heads of states to sign the South African Devolopment Community Protocol on Gender and Development. They are moving for a stronger female presence in the governments,rights concerning marital rape,minimum mariage ages,marginalized and vulnereable groups, cohabitating couples, and so on. They would like constitutional changes specifying these rights, so that the rights are upheld to the fullest extent.

Thursday, May 15, 2008